At age 7, Charles Alexander (Alex-Zan) enters Venable Elementary School (Charlottesville, Virginia) in September 1959 with his mother, Elizabeth Alexander and Mrs. Thelma Townsend and her sons, Marvin and William.

Go to VPM-Before Ruby Bridges…Charlottesville Twelve story

Charlottesville Twelve Day 2024

The Edu-Tainer!




Yes You Matter
Jackson Lightfoot Whitsett

Jackson Lightfoot Whitsett

    For YES YOU MATTER! Presentations and Materials-Contact: Mr. Alex-Zan

    YOGO yard sign

    Alex-Zan, Originator-Black History Pathway, Honorary-4th St. NW, Charlottesville, Virginia, Phase 1

    Mr. Alex-Zan

    is an Educator-Entertainer-Motivator who facilitates creative, interactive presentations for children, youth and adults. A resident of Charlottesville, VA, he was an early trailblazer, being one of 12 blacks (known as “The Charlottesville 12”) to desegregate Virginia Public Schools in Charlottesville  in 1959.

    Alex-Zan is an author, TV producer, columnist,  and national in-demand speaker for schools, conferences, staff development workshops and churches around the country.

    His passion for touching, moving and inspiring people has led two Virginia cities to proclaim “Alex-Zan Day!”  HeThe Skin is Just the Cover book by Alex-Zanis also a national and local humanitarian award winner. Through his creative imagination, Alex-Zan has secured over 100 plus copyrights, four trademarks, and developed several cartoon characters that have prompted people to call him the “Info-Trainer” and the “Performing Teacher”.

    Mr. Alex-Zan’s book, The Skin is Just the Cover, tells his story. Contact Mr. Alex-Zan to purchase copies.

    What People Say:

    You are indeed a dynamic, fun and inspirational presenter. The world is certainly in need of your positive message.
    J. Randy Myers

    Training and Development, VA Department of Corrections

    What a treat, top notch! We’ve seen many motivational speakers, but none like you.
    Shirley Howard

    President, Baltimore Twinks

    An hour with Mr. Alex Zan left the group exhilarated, inspired and determined to challenge themselves personally and professionally.
    Tamryn Turner

    Community College Program Coordinator

    A positive dynamic force of leadership and a role model for Virginia’s children.
    Susan Allen

    Virginia's Former First Lady

    Being in law enforcement over 25 years, the valuable principles offered in your presentation are critical in creating a safe, civil and thriving community.
    Former Chief Tim Longo

    Charlottesville Police Department

    Alex-Zan never ceases to amaze me with his creativity and ability to produce a phrase that brings positive change. What he does with people is beautiful.
    David Toscano

    Virginia House of Delegates


    Character – Safety – Civility

    Educational Friends


    reminds people to release anger and Yo, Let it Go!  Learn more about YOGO and listen to the YOGO song performed by J-Willz here.


    is a new character from North Africa. CYM has a thirst for learning and is an avid listener. He thinks before he speaks and works to get along with others.


    likes to say “Just Think before you act.”

    Trailblazer Elementary Ceremony 2024

    Cville Quick Takes video

    The Harlem Globetrotters Beyond the Ball: Mr. Alex-Zan

    Charlottesville CBS 19 in partnership with the Harlem Globetrotters recognized Mr. Alex-Zan as a ”Local Game Changer” March-2022

    Harlem Globe Trotters Alex-Zan Game Changer

    Alex-Zan Receives MLK- Beloved Community AWARD-2025

    Presented by Abundant Life Ministries


    MLK Jr Award presented to Alexander and Taylor

    Virginia General Assembly Honors Alex-Zan

    April 10, 2019, View the NBC29 Video

    To Get Touched, Moved and Inspired…

    Schedule Mr. Alex-Zan to speak at an event.
    All presentations are designed to meet the needs of the group, school, company, or organization etc.

    To inquire, please call


    Or send a message below:

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    © Alex Zan 2025
    Charlotteville, Virginia

